Energy savingIs a set of measures to reduce the level of negative impact on the environment, as well as save money on the purchase of energy resources.
The Energy Saving and Energy Efficiency Program is a document that sets specific rules in the field of energy saving for specific organizations.
Which institutions and organizations are needed to implement energy saving programs:
organizations whose activities are subject to government regulations;
state and municipal institutions;
enterprises engaged in the production or transportation of fuel and energy resources (fuel and energy resources);
organizations where efficiency and energy saving programs are funded from local (federal) budgets;
organizations that annually spend more than 50 million rubles on fuel and energy resources.
The purpose of the program- save heat and electricity, natural gas, motor fuel, water, etc. , competent use of resources, as well as the organization of a general comprehensive approach when carrying out various procedures for energy saving.
The planned goals are achieved by:
increase the productivity of electricity and heat supply systems, water supply and sewerage systems;
highly efficient use of equipment and materials;
the introduction of the latest and proven technologies for energy savings;
installation of metering devices;
organize various measures aimed at the economic use of energy and resources. For example, training employees, monitoring the operation of heating equipment, tracking the dynamics of energy consumption, etc.
Based on this regulatory document, energy saving programs are being developed:
"On energy saving and energy efficiency improvement";
"On conditions for district and municipal programs in the field of energy conservation. . . ";
"On additional measures to stimulate energy conservation";
"Improving energy and water efficiency. . . "
"On Procedures for Setting Requirements for Programs in the Field of Energy Saving and Improving the Energy Efficiency of Organizations Carrying Out Organized Activities"
The above programs without fail include:
Information on target indicators that could indicate a decline in consumption physically and under comparable conditions;
List of energy saving measures (organizational, administrative, technological, aggregate and automation);
Explanatory notes;
Passport program.
Stages of development of this program:
First, experts collect data on resource consumption for the last year of operation of the enterprise. This is aided by the reading of metering instruments, as well as accounting documents;
Then (if necessary) an energy survey of the building and structure is performed. The reasons for the unauthorized use of energy sources are being clarified. The possibility of energy savings is assessed;
Energy consumption targets and indicators are determined. Energy efficiency measures are being developed, and technical and economic indicators from these measures are being calculated. The amount and source of funding are determined;
Passport energy efficiency programs are being developed.
Important points in the development and implementation of energy saving programs:
The budget organization each year must reduce its consumption by at least 3%. The budget fund administrator monitors compliance with these requirements, and savings of more than 3% remain within the enterprise or institution;
It is forbidden to buy goods that are inefficient in terms of energy consumption. These are incandescent lamps, etc. At least 5% of lighting fixtures purchased must be LED lighting. At least 10% of the total insulating glass units installed must have a low emission layer;
Mandatory event is the installation of metering equipment.
For organizations that carry out organized activities (transmission of electricity, water, heat, etc. ), the Energy Saving and Energy Efficiency Program is developed for 3 years, if there is an investment program available - for as long as the program lasts.